Helicopter Night Rating

Night Rating

If you want to fly in the hours of darkness you will need to add a night qualification to your licence. This involves 10 hours of instrument flying and 5 hours of flying at night. You will practice night navigation techniques, in flight emergencies and how to deal with them, flight by sole reference to instruments, airfield night lighting and procedure and pre-flight decision making.

Course Prerequisites

  • Licence Held: PPL(H)
  • Minimum Flying Hours: 100 hrs after licence issue which must include
  • 60hrs Pilot in Command.
  • 20hrs Cross Country.
  • Course Duration: Must be complete within 6 months of starting.

When is Night?

It may seem like a silly question but there is a legal definition for aviation purposes, and that is half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise.




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SE49, Gloucestershire Airport, Staverton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 6SR.